Unplanned, unstructured, guided by Persephone and the rhythms of the earth, the seeds of our almanac are beginning to sprout.
“Attend to the months of the year, the signs of the zodiac, seasonal feasts and rituals that articulate sacred time. Turn your life into a dance of the great symbols, a deep rhythm in which each thing has its place.”
I Ching, Hexagram 60
"This river I step in is not the same river I stand in." ––Heraclitus
At Mud Creek, by Sasha Chapman
Each entry below marks a step taken inward and onward. As the seasons shift, so will our almanac offerings. It is the earth’s regenerative hum––and not the calendar’s rigid chronology ––that guides our wanderings here.

“The mortals saw everywhere the miracles of Demeter’s bliss and rejoiced in the new life of spring. Each winter they join Demeter in waiting through the bleak season of her daughter’s absence. Each spring they are renewed by the signs of Persephone’s return.”
Lost Goddesses of Early Greece, p. 118